Pragmatic Programmer summary

Title: Pragmatic Programmer Authors: David Thomas, Andrew Hunt Introduction Who is a pragmatic programmer? A person who takes responsibility for themselves and their actions. Drawn inspiration to read this book from Dr. Ngure and Dr. Biko Olianga Chapter 1: A Pragmatic Philosophy Pragmatic programming stems from a philosophy of pragmatic thinking. This chapter sets the basis for that philosophy. Topic 1: It’s your life “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.

What is Caching? Caching in Django with Redis.

In modern web development loading time of a webpage is fundamental to obtaining and retaining users. There are multiple ways to optimize your site to reduce the load time, one of the ways is by caching web pages that perform heavy queries on the database. This will reduce database hits hence a faster load. So what is caching? 🤷🏾 Caching is storing data in a cache, a temporary storage area that facilitates faster access to data to improve application and system performance.